BIO 4010/6010-01/ENG 4460/6460-02: Eco-Narratives (Fall 2020)
Welcome to the course website for "Eco-Narratives" with Dr. Rooney and Dr. Jennings. From here you will be able to download podcasts, video files, PowerPoints, and course readings. You will also find guidelines and rubrics for each of the course assignments, including how to create your own website, where you will post all of your narratives. Be sure to review the syllabus, which includes the class calendar.
For our weekly online class discussions, use the Zoom link provided below. During Weeks 1-11, we meet every Thursday from 2:00-3:20 pm and then in Weeks 12-14, we will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at the same time. Discussions will be focused on that week's assigned readings. We recommend that you listen to the weekly podcast before our class discussion since the podcasts are where we talk about the major themes and topics explored within the readings. You are also expected to prepare 1-2 questions about the readings, which you will be able to ask during discussion and/or post in the Zoom chat box